China’s Innovation Challenge


Table of Contents

  1. China’s Innovation Challenge: An Introduction   pdf download 50

Lewin, Kenney, Murmann

  1. New Structural Economics: The Future of the Chinese Economy

Justin Yifu Lin, National School of Development, Peking University;

  1. Impact of China Invisible Societal Forces on its Intended Evolution

Gordon Redding, University College London

  1. The Road ahead for China: Implications from South Korea Experience

Michael Witt, INSEAD;

   5. Innovation and Technological Specialization of Chinese Industry

Keun Lee, Seoul National University;

  1. China’s Political Economy: Prospects for Technological Innovation-Based Growth

Douglas Fuller, Zheijiang University;

  1. Transforming China’s IP System to Stimulate Innovation

Menita Liu Cheng and Can Huang, Zheijiang University

  1. Building the Innovation Capacity of SMEs in China

John Child, Birmingham University;

  1. Who Benefits When MNEs Partner with Local Enterprises in China?

Simon Collinson, Birmingham University

  1. Advantages and Challenges of Chinese MNEs in Global Competition

Yves Doz and Keeley Wilson, INSEAD

  1. Emerging Trends in Global Sourcing of Innovation

Silvia Massini, Keren Caspin-Wagner, Eliza Chilimoniuk-Przezdziecka, Manchester University

  1. Why is China Failing  to Leapfrog India IT Outsourcing Industry?

Weidong Xia and Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University and Yingxia Li, Beijing Union University

  1. Barriers to Organizational Creativity in Chinese Firms

Zhi-Xue Zhang and Weiguo Zhong, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University;

  1. Institutional and Cultural Contexts of Creativity and Innovation in China

Chi-Yue Chiu, Shyhnan Liou, and Letty Y-Y. Kwan, Chinese University Hong Kong

  1. Reframing Basis for Cross-Cultural Management

Rosalie L. Tung Simon Frazer University

  1. China’s Innovation Challenge: Concluding Reflections

Lewin, Kenney, Murmann